What a season once again at Eton Manor as TOULOUSE OR NOTTOULOUSE won the Premiership title for the second time in their history going undefeated! Winning 9 and drawing once!
They scored 29 goals in 10 games conceding only 5 times with a GD of +24 and total points of 28..
That’s some record, to only concede 5 goals all season is a feat which deserves a special mention as that’s very difficult to do and sets a new Wanstead league record for least amount of goals conceded in a season! Huge congratulations to all the NOTTOULOUSE lads: Chris DURCAN, Gabriel GEORGIOU, Aron FONTENELLE, Agostinho DE SOUSA JUNIOR, Alif GRIMM, Dylan FRIDAY, Cam MUTALE, Safiun Md MASBAH, Razvan MARCU, Kafui AKPOKAVI and honourable mentions to Sufyan MUKHTAR, Ben HARMESTON & Sid GARRETT-STANLEY who also played their part in this title triumph

Finishing runners up in the Premiership was Hiran SOLANKI’s LOW BLOCK FC who recorded their best finish and no doubt will be looking to build on this in the new season.
Elliott PEARCE’s 30P LEE FC finish 3rd after 4 wins 2 draws and 4 losses as they have consolidated themselves as a Premiership side while Saleem KIDIYA’s SK DONS another who have consolidated themselves as a top side finish 4th
Dropping down is KOLA’s HARDWORK FC who gave a good representation of themselves in their first season in the top flight and will no doubt be looking to bounce straight back up, while the rollercoaster is over for now at least for Tim PASSEY’s well drilled PASSEYAGGRESSIVE after a superb run in the top flight slip through the trap door into the Championship after 3 seasons in the Premiership

In the Championship and we have first time winners and promoted to the Premiership for the first time in their history – Congratulations to the undefeated WECRAVEDAVE FC!
Skipper Reagan LINDSAY has his side well organised and set up so its no surprise after a few seasons finding their feet in the league that they would go on to achieve this!
With Andrew STORM taking the division by storm, banging home over 18 goals from his teams 31 goals this season the defensive well drilled side only conceded an average of 1 goal a game resulting in a +21GD, with 6 wins, 4 draws and 0 defeats!
What a season from them all and i have no doubt they will be competing in the Premiership.
So a massive congratulations to Reagan LINDSAY, Ali SAJAD, Gabriel MORLOVA, Nicollas MORLOVA, Alex PETERS, Joshua PETERS, Andrew STORM, Michael BAKER & Two-JJ MORGAN

Finishing runners up and 4 points behind the winners was QUARANTINE BALL who return to the top flight immediately after a solid season where they only conceded 9 goals! Well done to Daniel IYEMU, Frank WHITCHER and the rest of the lads
In third was NOT A SCOOBIE who were 4 points short in the end while YNN was in 4th, however they only joined for the last few games so its not their record
In 5th is PART TIME BALLERS in their first season in the league they are starting to get stronger and find their feet now while THE CAVINHIOS finish 6th on GD as 4th-6th all finished on equal points

Looking forward to the new season at Eton Manor and thanks for all teams and captains for their hard work making this such a good enjoyable league for all